What I Do

Aided by technology, experience, passion, and good old-fashioned books and research, my goal is to get your trees to be lush, beautiful, healthy and productive.


My Mission:

My mission is simple: I want to empower my clients to do as much as they want to do on their own. I will provide the direction, advice, and materials, and I will always be there to help.

I aim to improve the health and accessibility of food trees on our island, in your back yard and mine. Through collaboration, thoughtful intention, and honest work, the quality of your trees can improve, and the quality of your harvests can improve.

Let’s work together to make it happen.


“For in the true nature of things,

if we rightly consider,

every green tree is far more glorious

than if it were made of gold and silver.”

— Martin Luther


What I offer

  • Guidance - I want you to understand what I suggest, and why it makes sense. You should be empowered to make educated decisions about the care of your trees.

  • Soil analysis - from basic pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, to electrical conductivity and microbial community content, your tree's health begins underground.

  • Treatment for Disease - trees get sick, but there is no cure-all wonder drug. Over fertilization can be just as damaging as lack of available nutrients. Insects can absolutely devastate a tree, but why are they there? Where did they come from?

  • Pruning - every tree needs their split ends trimmed and a nice glow-up from time to time. Is that time now? Let's decide together