This tree was unusual…
Normally, a termite infestation is found in dead wood…
While conducting a visual inspection of this small navel orange tree, I noticed some irregular sloughing bark. I carefully extracted the bark to discover a thriving community of termites! I peeled all the separated bark, and traced the route the insects used to attack this tree - there was a poor pruning cut (just a small one) just above the infested area. The tree was unable to heal the wound because it was a horizontal cut, allowing water to accumulate and rot the stubbed cut.
To treat this tree, I peeled away all the loose bark, then used a low-volume handheld pressure washer to rinse all live insects from the burrows, tunnels, and holes in the trunk. I then applied foaming termite pesticide to the areas inhabited by the bugs. While I try to avoid using chemical treatments whenever possible, sometimes there’s just no choice, and this was one of those situations. I couldn’t afford to “discourage” these bugs from living in this tree - every day their colony thrived, more and more of the tree’s tissues were being destroyed.
After letting the pesticide soak overnight, I returned and again flushed the burrows to eliminate any remaining insects, applied another dose of pesticide, and then used a vitamin-infused wound sealer everywhere the bark had been removed from the tree. This prevents introduction of a number of pests (insect, fungal, etc) into an open wound in the tree. I also cleaned up and packed the original poor pruning cut.
The final step was to wrap the tree with a protective bandage until the sealer had time to cure.
Next fruiting season we will see how the tree is doing!
Thanks for your time!

Sloughing bark leads to deeper investigation

Careful extraction of the bark and cambium layers exposes an active colony of live termites

Using a handheld low-volume pressure washer, I was able to rinse the holes and tunnels of all active termites. Foaming pesticide was then applied and allowed to work overnight.

After ensuring there were no more active insects, a layer of vitamin-infused wound sealer was applied.

Finally, a layer of tree wrap was used to protect the tree until the wound sealer has had time to set.